Microsoft Wedge Mobile Keyboard
Posted by Anonymous at 22:10 Labels: Techtalks 0 comments
Kingston DataTraveler Workspace (32GB)
Posted by Anonymous at 22:01 Labels: Techtalks 0 comments
Windows 8 Transformation Pack
What's new in this version:
- Fixed Segoe UI chantry accession compatibilities
- Improved uninstallation compatibilities with Themes removal
- Replaced Windows Vista affair with M-Awesome's Windows 8 RC
- Replaced Windows 7 affair with thepanda-x's Windows 8 RC Aero for Windows 7
- Replaced Windows 7 Metro affair with thepanda-x's Windows 8 RC Aero for Windows 7
Posted by Anonymous at 21:51 Labels: Windows8 0 comments
Microsoft's Windows 8 has radical design
Over the years, Keith McCarthy has become acclimated to a assertive way of accomplishing things on his claimed computers, which, like best others on the planet, accept continued run on Microsoft's Windows software.
But aftermost week, back he got his easily on a laptop active the newest adaptation of Windows for the aboriginal time, McCarthy was flummoxed. Many of the accustomed signposts from PCs of yore are gone in Microsoft's new software, Windows 8, like the Alpha button for accepting to programs and the drop-down airheaded that account their functions.
It took McCarthy several account aloof to amount out how to compose an email bulletin in Windows 8, which has a stripped-down attending and on-screen buttons that at times resemble the bewitched accumulation instructions for Ikea furniture.
"It fabricated me feel like the bigger abecedarian computer user ever," said McCarthy, 59, a copywriter in New York.
Full advantage of iPhone 5
Windows, which has added than 1 billion users about the world, is accepting a abolitionist makeover, a attenuate move for a artefact with such all-inclusive reach. The new architecture is acceptable to account some head-scratching for those who buy the latest machines back Windows 8 goes on auction Friday.
To Microsoft and aboriginal admirers of Windows 8, the software is a fresh, adventurous reinvention of the operating arrangement for an era of touch-screen accessories like the iPad, which are about-face computing. Microsoft needs the software to accomplish so it can restore some of its crumbling appliance afterwards years of watching the brand of Apple and Google outflank it in the adaptable market.
To its detractors, though, Windows 8 is a advance gone wrong, one that will needlessly force bodies to relearn how they use a accessory every bit as accepted as a bake oven.
"I don't anticipate any user was allurement for that," said John Ludwig, a above Microsoft controlling who formed on Windows and is now a adventure backer in the Seattle area. "They aloof demand the accepted user interface, but better."
Ludwig said Microsoft's action was risky, but it had to do article to advance its affairs in the adaptable business: "Doing annihilation was a action that was abiding to fail."
Little about the new Windows will attending accustomed to those who accept acclimated earlier versions. The Alpha screen, a affectionate of capital menu, is bedeviled by a bright filigree of rectangles and squares that users can tap with a feel or bang with a abrasion to alpha applications. Abounding of these alive tiles consistently beam with new advice piped in from the Internet, like account headlines, email accountable curve and Facebook photos.
What is harder to acquisition are abounding of the conventions that accept been a allotment of PCs back best bodies began application them, like the band of icons at the basal of the awning for jumping amid applications. The mail and agenda programs are starkly minimalist. It is as if an automaker hid the speedometer, about-face signals and accessory about-face in its cars, and told drivers to tap their dashboards to acknowledge those functions. There is a added accepted "desktop" approach for active Microsoft Office and earlier programs, admitting there is no way to assuredly about-face to it.
Posted by Anonymous at 21:48 Labels: Windows8 0 comments
New apps for Windows 8
Full Coverage: Microsoft Windows 8
Posted by Anonymous at 21:46 Labels: Windows8 0 comments
8 Essential Windows 8 Peripherals
Posted by Anonymous at 21:36 Labels: Windows8 0 comments
list of windows 8
Posted by Anonymous at 23:35 Labels: Windows8 0 comments
New Windows Phone 8
Posted by Anonymous at 23:31 Labels: Windows8 0 comments
Types of MP3 Players
Mainly there are three types of MP3 players accessible in the bazaar Adamantine drive based, Micro adamantine drive based and Flash based.
Hard Drive based MP3 Player
Micro Adamantine Drive based MP3 Player
Flash based MP3 Player
Flash Based MP3 players are the best baby admeasurement MP3 players that appear with a abstinent accommodation which can abundance 10 to 570 songs or can be abundance the book from 32 MB to 2GB. These players do not accommodate any affective genitalia or not any skip function. Due to its abridgement of functionality it allows basal array usage. These players did not contains any rechargeable batteries as added Adamantine and Micro Drive based players, array of these players are mostly dispensable or disposable. Beyond allotment of MP3 association are not absorbed in these players.
Posted by Anonymous at 23:23 Labels: Mp3-Players 0 comments
i-mate PDA2k
The 210 gram and 125mm continued PDA2k is one of the better smartphones we've reviewed. While smartphones are about beyond than accepted mobiles, it is adamantine to cup the PDA2k calmly in your hand. Nevertheless, somewhat answer the admeasurement is the QWERTY keyboard that i-Mate has congenital into this unit. The keys are acknowledging and assignment well, although their baby admeasurement may present a botheration for beyond fingers. The slider that provides admission to the keyboard feels adamant and, while the slider does accessible and abutting adequately, greater force than is accepted or absolutely acceptable is required.
The PDA2k has affluence of buttons on its exterior. Contacts and agenda keys are amid aloft the awning with Start, messaging, Internet Explorer and OK buttons laid out angular beneath the display. There's additionally a 5-way abyssal pad and answer/end alarm keys. Most of the buttons are accessible to columnist and operate, although the abyssal pad seemed a little chiffon and wasn't adequate for continued periods of use.
The controls don't end there with committed camera and addendum buttons on the larboard duke ancillary of the phone, with a aggregate key in between. The aggregate slider is bounce operated and doesn't beetle abundant to be acclimated calmly - you'll acquisition yourself digging in with the tip of your feel to accomplish it. i-Mate calmly includes a additional stylus in the package, so you won't accept to anguish if you lose one of them.
The PDA2k has a ample display, although its achievement doesn't bout some of the added contempo smartphones we've seen. With a resolution of 240 x 320 it's not outstanding, but it does answer calmly for accustomed use. If you are planning to watch videos or appearance affluence of photos again the PDA2k's awning isn't activity to be ideal. The assemblage additionally does not accommodate a awning protector.
The cloister bandage PDA2k has a appealing absorbing appearance account and alone lacks a GPS receiver. It supports SMS, MMS and e-mail messaging and runs on Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 Second Edition. The PDA2k is able with an Intel PXA263 400 MHz processor and includes 128MB RAM and 64MB ROM. An SD agenda aperture is amid at the top of the assemblage for added anamnesis options.
As with all Windows Adaptable OSs, the e-mail action is actual simple to use on the PDA2k and it supports mail admission to POP3 and IMAP accounts. All you allegation to do is admission your e-mail abode as able-bodied as the mail server and provided your wireless affiliation is available, the accessory will acceptation all added settings anon from the Internet. The Pocket PC 2003 belvedere additionally includes a abounding apartment of Microsoft applications including Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, Pocket MSN, Windows Media Player, MSN Messenger, Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer.
Connectivity is additionally a able point of the PDA2k and it includes Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (802.11b), infrared, USB and GPRS. Bluetooth is quick and accessible to admission with the included Wireless Manager software. The LED in the top larboard duke bend will afterglow dejected back this action is angry on. This is the aforementioned with Wi-Fi - the appropriate LED flashes blooming back you are affiliated to an accessible wireless network.
The PDA2k includes a VGA camera. We were aghast that this wasn't upgraded to a megapixel or greater sensor. It's acceptable for quick snapshots, but with the bound sensor and no beam or ablaze we wouldn't acclaim it for annihilation else. Added multimedia appearance accommodate an MP3 and AAC amateur and Java amateur but there is no FM Radio. The PDA2k has a 2.5mm audio jack rather than the added accepted 3.5mm.
Purely as a phone, the PDA2k isn't after its issues. The aggregate levels during calls aren't loud abundant and it aloof doesn't accept the aforementioned accuracy or conciseness as a approved accepted adaptable phone.
Battery activity is about average, with a allocution time of four hours and up to 168 hours of standby time. For a accessory with such a deluge of features, this is a appealing acceptable result. During testing, we begin we alone bare to allegation the assemblage every three days. i-Mate includes a rather ample cradle in the sales amalgamation and the assemblage can additionally be answerable via the included adapter. The buzz can additionally be answerable by USB .
Posted by Anonymous at 23:17 Labels: iMate 0 comments
MP3 Player Sandisk
of MP3 players out there, several of them amount hundreds of dollars. An MP3 amateur Sandisk is absolutely a acceptable archetypal MP3 amateur that will not breach your spending account although alms optimal comedy features.
What is an MP3 player? An MP3 amateur is a accessory that is advised to comedy aeroembolism audio and files. A basal MP3 player, like the MP3 amateur Sandisk, gives users the befalling to download bags of their admired tunes. Some types of MP3 amateur Sandisk models additionally admittance users to download agenda files of newspapers, books, magazines and radio programs. An MP3 amateur Sandisk archetypal additionally comes in a acceptable deride drive architecture that enables for one-handed use. MP3 amateur Sandisk has partnered with Rhapsody for music downloading, as able-bodied as Audible for downloading non-music agenda files.
An MP3 amateur Sandisk archetypal can run anywhere from $60 to $90 on average, at charter a hundred dollars cheaper than added MP3 models, and yet, the Mp3 amateur Sandisk models accept aloof as abundant appearance as the added cher models. The best acclaimed MP3 amateur Sandisk models are the Sansa e100 series,
which profiles the e140 as able-bodied as the e130 MP3 player.
If you're in the exchange for an MP3 player, don't pay abundant added for the exact aforementioned functions that the beneath cher cast will get you. An MP3 amateur Sandisk archetypal provides all of the functions and possibilities that added players of the identical capabilities offer, yet at a third of the price. When shopping, accomplish assertive to analyze MP3 amateur
specifications and download sources. It does not pay to absorb hundreds of dollars on an MP3 amateur if it's a altercation to download songs for it. If you demand to accept to music and not advance hours attempting to download it, an MP3 amateur Sandisk archetypal is for you.Playback time on the MP3 amateur Sandisk Sansa e130 archetypal is about eight hours for the MP3 files and bifold that for Windows Media audio files, which works out to about 120 to 240 songs respectively. The Sansa e130 MP3 amateur Sandisk archetypal holds about 512 MB. It is brother (the e140 MP3 amateur Sandisk model) allows almost sixteen hours of playback time for MP3 files and thirty-two hours for Windows Media audio files, or about 240 to 480 song titles, respectively.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:53 Labels: Mp3-Players 0 comments
Second Generation Wireless Car MP3 Player
Car MP3 amateur vs CD player
Compared with car CD amateur that acclimated in car before, Car MP3 amateur is thinner, added convenient, added carriageable and able achievement with reasonable price. So it is a trend that CD is replaced by MP3 player.
Wired Car MP3 amateur and the wireless
According to the arresting manual method, car MP3 amateur can be disconnected into two above categories that is the active and the wireless.
The alleged active Car MP3 amateur refers to those that address the encoded audio arresting to the car stereo apostle through committed line. Active Car MP3 amateur appearance low noise, aerial affection audio output. If you accept aerial demands on complete affection and apperceive how to install audio system, you can accept this affectionate of Car MP3 player.
As for the wireless Car MP3 player, it can be able to address audio arresting that from MP3 to Car apostle in the anatomy of wireless FM. Aftereffect from Car MP3 amateur no charge ambit affiliation and fits about all the car, it has already active the capital area of car audio accessories arrangement market.
So now let's say commodity about the Wireless Car MP3 Amateur in detail and it is the affair of this article.
Two ancestors of Wireless Car MP3 Player
The Wireless Car MP3 Amateur can additionally disconnected into two generations. The aboriginal bearing is powered by cigarette lighter and can be affiliated to cigarette lighter directly, which can still be begin in the bazaar about 10 kinds. The additional bearing of Wireless Car MP3 amateur comes with corpuscle buzz size, beyond accommodation and aerial affection audio output, which appearance audio controlled by the disciplinarian that can action added defended application acquaintance to the user.
Second Bearing Wireless Car MP3 Amateur vs Aboriginal Generation
1. Accent quality
The aboriginal bearing wireless car mp3 players mainly administer asperous beaming circuits to save cost, so a beyond babble can't be avoided. The additional wireless car mp3 players are fabricated of the latest address chip, which ensures the audio with aerial affection tone.
2. Alive life
Powered by cigarette lighter that has no adjustment system, the aboriginal bearing of Wireless Car MP3 Amateur risks hidden accident botheration acquired by voltage surge. So that about all manufacturers will acquaint their users do not bung Car MP3 on the car cigarette back the car aloof started or may account over-voltage burn.
If you chase the adviser fully, you charge bung and daybed again on your way, as a aftereffect it can calmly account accident to the cigarette lighter and alike the MP3 amateur itself. So a ideal alive time of the aboriginal bearing of Wireless Car MP3 Amateur can't be secured, however, the additional bearing of Wireless Car MP3 Amateur doesn't accept so affectionate of botheration at all for its no charge accordant with car cigarette lighter. In a conclusion, the additional bearing gets best alive time than the aboriginal bearing one to a ample extent.
3. Anamnesis capacity
The aboriginal bearing of Wireless Car MP3 Amateur alone comes with 128M anamnesis with alone dozens of songs, while the additional bearing is arranged with 1GB or added anamnesis accommodation that can save added than 300 songs.
4. Abundance domain
The aboriginal bearing of Wireless Car MP3 Amateur alone gets 2 or 3 abundance domains, so it can not comedy already appointment interfering signal, while the additional bearing has 200 abundance domains for broadly accept from.
5. Applied applicability
The aboriginal bearing of Wireless Car MP3 Amateur can alone comedy with car cigarette lighter or it will not work. The additional one can become an accustomed MP3 amateur as continued as you bung a angle in it alike if you about-face off the wireless arresting transmitter, which appearance air-conditioned articulation control.
6. Articulation ascendancy system
Voice ascendancy technology has fabricated ample advance for contempo years and has footfall into a actual applied stage. It is aces advertence that the additional bearing of Wireless Car MP3 amateur appearance articulation control. As continued as you allege out the song name, a brace of seconds, you can get the appropriate one from hundreds of songs. It is so acceptable that can get rid of some ambiguous agency back driving. It can be said that the articulation ascendancy affection is aloof the additional generation's candied atom and the best aggressive advantage.
7. Price
Finally let's allocution about the price, the aboriginal bearing of Wireless Car MP3 amateur priced from dozens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, the additional bearing costs about $100. Usually the aboriginal bearing gets a amount advantage and has beyond amount range, but the additional bearing has a college amount performance. It is acutely that you should not alone accede price, but absolute application needs to be done if you demand to baddest an ideal MP3 amateur for your adulation car.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:50 Labels: Mp3-Players 0 comments
Ipod Accessories
Posted by Anonymous at 22:38 Labels: iPod-Gadgets 0 comments
iPod to iTunes Transfer Free
All formats accordant with iPod can be transferred in this iPod archetype software. AVCWare iPod to iPod/Computer/iTunes Alteration simplifies your iPod administration greatly.
Key appearance of iPod to iTunes alteration chargeless and chargeless iPod to iPod transfer:
- Install the software into iPod and administer as adamantine disk
- Manage iPod/iPhone as carriageable adamantine disk
- Compatible with all types of iPod/iPhone
- Manage and acquisition what you demand quickly
- High acceleration file-transfer
- Simple interface and accessory information
- iPod to iTunes alteration chargeless and chargeless iPod to iPod transfer
- Share iPod with others
This iPod alteration software takes as little time as accessible to alteration videos and music amid iPod and iTunes
AVCWare iPod to iPod/Computer/iTunes Alteration not alone can alteration your iPod/iPhone music/video/playlist/photos aback to PC, but additionally abutment iPod to iTunes alteration free. you own added than one iPods, it can accompanying administer all the iPods in the aforementioned interface, you may alteration files amid these iPods by drag-and-drop.
The additional best is Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer. Cucusoft iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Alteration is an accessible to use iPod/iPhone account advised to advice you advancement the stuffs in your iPod/iPhone/iTouch. Recover absent or missing music, advancement and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content, including your admired songs, videos, photo files and Play Lists, and that's not all. If you accept any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a must-have account to accumulate your iPod/iPhone safety.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:32 Labels: iPod-Gadgets 0 comments
Apple iPod Recovery
Apple iPod abstracts achieve account is fast and reliable abstracts accretion band-aid which helps users to accomplishment all affectionate of deleted abstracts alike back absurdity bulletin like “Drive Not Detected” is displayed on computer screen. iPod abstracts accretion account calmly restores damaged or aloof images, activated pictures, photos album, movies, audio, video clips absent due to any acumen such as adventitious deletion, virus infection, animal error, abnormal drive abatement and software corruption.
Apple iPod abstracts apology apparatus supports all above versions of Windows operating arrangement such as Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Read-only Apple iPod accretion program
iPod abstracts accomplishment apparatus finer examines besmirched iPod accessory and save recovered advice in their aboriginal architecture as user specific location.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:18 Labels: iPod-Gadgets 0 comments
iPod Docking Stations
Are you attractive for an iPod advancing base with audio speakers? Do you admiration the best able iPod speakers obtainable? Well, you adeptness be not abandoned there abounding individuals who're attractive for all varieties of iPod equipment. Every little affair from iPod instances to iPod docks. This season, iPod add-ons shall be a cogent agent central the marketplace. Nevertheless, it is adamant to adjudge the way to locate the actual best iPod speakers available. The absolute agitation in responding to this accurate botheration arrives application the absoluteness that the best able iPod speakers for, you could not be the top speakers for anybody else. So now are a scattering of items which you can arise for back attempting to acquisition an iPod advancing base with anniversary added with audio arrangement that can fit your needs.
Very aboriginal and foremost amount will about absolutely appear up. You can acquisition a brace techniques which you will go with this. It is attainable to locate some curve that amount as bargain as $60 or others which go out to $575 or far more.
In the accident that you are attractive for the all-embracing best complete top affection again you can acquisition no abundant bigger docks attainable accessible on the bazaar than a Bose iPod Home Apostle System. Bose has persisted a affluent attitude of carrying the best acceptable affection acreage audio systems offered alike in their own advancing units. Generating them the aggregation of the actual best ipod speakers about.
Now, in the accident that you are aloof attractive for a top affection apostle at a low cost. Again JBL can be a admirable architect to attending at, JBL docks may amount you anyplace from $50 to $190. Nevertheless, they accord absurd functions and actual acceptable complete aerial quality.
Now let's booty a attending at what attributes are attainable in an iPod advancing base with audio system. The majority of docks will accommodate you with the adeptness to allegation your own iPod whilst it's amid on the advancing station. Alike so, if you're gluttonous for a few added abundant appearance again you charge to attending for a arrangement with a alien administer that may admittance you to annal by agency of your own playlist from up to 20 anxiety away.
For the continuance of your coursing to ascertain the top iPod speakers, you charge to additionally attending for a berth that's acceptable and may run off of batteries as able-bodied as the AC adapter.
Design and appearance additionally is important while attractive to locate a superb iPod advancing base with speakers. Several new companies like iHome, at the aforementioned time as earlier organizations like Sony and Lansing Altec now accord acutely beautiful styles calm with acceptable quality, ipod advancing stations application complete systems.
Finally, if you are activity to bare the actual best iPod advancing base for your wants again you'll charge to accomplish assured to apprehend evaluations. A lot of online vendors accumulation an arena for comments as able-bodied as acknowledgment about commodity that was purchased. By account via the added owners accept the accompaniment about a accurate iPod dock.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:13 Labels: iPod-Gadgets 0 comments
Mobile Accessories
You apparently already accept an Adaptable with you if you're a music lover and accept a good timegreat songs wherever you go. If you're a music freak, you may ambition to up the ball caliber of your music accent by loading it with some air-conditioned accessories. Here we booty a attending at some of the best up to date new Adaptable accessories accessible in the bazaar today.
One of the coolest adaptable accessories by far is the iLoad+. What if you charge to alteration some agreeable to your mobile? If the agreeable is on the telly or the cable box, you will accept to aboriginal almanac it on your computer. You charge accept to download it, if it is about online. Once the agreeable is on your PC, you would like to put it in iTunes and again accompany it with the mobile. You won't accept to get into any of these hassles back you're appliance iLoad+. This air-conditioned accent makes it actually accessible for you to alteration agreeable to your adaptable and helps save a lot of time too.
How about abutting your adaptable to your TV and arena videos and audio on your TV? This is what the adaptable AV cables let you do. They admittance you to attach your adaptable anon to your TV set. And, why aloof the Television , you can use them to affix your adaptable to projectors too. Since these cables are little and compact, you can backpack them forth wherever you go. Besides, they're appealing reasonable so you may not charge to accomplish appropriate changes to your budget.
If you would like your Adaptable to attending as adult as you, you may accede purchasing Adaptable skins. While the banknote do not serve any absolute purpose, they can accomplish your apparatus attending decidedly snazzy. These Adaptable accessories are accessible in a array of designs and patterns. So you charge acquisition article that apparel your appearance preferences adequately easily. What's more, these superb banknote will advice you artlessly acquaint the aberration amid your friend's and your own Mobile.
iSoundcap is addition air-conditioned adaptable accessory. Though this accent is beneath accepted to many, it serves abundant appliance purpose. This accent comes in anatomy of a hat which helps fix the adaptable in a way that the headphones are able-bodied placed adjoin your ears. So appliance the adaptable become all the easier with this air-conditioned accessory. All you charge to do is to abrasion the hat and you are all set to canal to the beats of music advancing into your ear. In case you acquisition cutting hat for alert to music awfully bizarre, you may additionally use this accent in added forms as well. You can use this accent affianced up to the shirt. In this appearance you'll get to accept a good timethe music and that too after any abhorrence of your adaptable falling off.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:03 Labels: Accessories 0 comments
Zorro Macsk iMac Touchscreen

Posted by Anonymous at 21:54 Labels: Electronics 0 comments
Portable alcohol detector for iPhone
Posted by Anonymous at 21:49 Labels: Electronics 0 comments
Gmail and Google Maps iOS apps
Now that we accept a acceptable Google Maps band-aid on the iPhone that supports voice-guided navigation, forth with a new Gmail applicant that rivals what you acquisition on Android, the best to go with an iPhone over an Android accent becomes alike clearer.
I use all adaptable operating systems because I like to analysis them out and accord them a adventitious to acquire a atom in my pocket. While I am an Exchange user in my day job, I additionally use Gmail abundantly and consistently begin the Android acquaintance best for Gmail. Alike admitting I accept approved lots of altered GPS aeronautics solutions, I consistently go aback to application Google Maps 99% of the time. These are both now accomplished applications on the iPhone. In addition, I acquisition that the iPhone beats Android in these areas:
- Apps and casework still appear to iOS aboriginal in abounding cases and in some instances we still don't see Android apps (UP, Fuelband).
- The iPhone's camera is amid best of all smartphones, alike after all the adorned appearance and options.
- Updates appear from Apple and assume to brim carrier control. You can calculation on your
- iPhone accepting updates for a brace of years, admitting your Android buzz may never get adapted alike a distinct time.
- It's a amusement to appointment a concrete Apple abundance rather than a carrier store.
- The accident assurance for the iPhone is absolutely account it, IMHO.
- The accent bazaar is vast, giving you ample choices at abundant prices.
Posted by Anonymous at 22:43 Labels: Techtalks 0 comments
Top-10 Tech Gadgets
Top-10 tech gadgets of 2012 via year-end Google search data
Apple iPad 3
The Angel iPad 3 will be launched beneath a ascendancy of new CEO Tim Cook in a year 2012. The iPad will be powered aloft a iOS 5. The new iPad 3 will be best slimmer than a above-mentioned ones as able-bodied as would accept aloft resolution, we appraisal 4 times aloft backbone than a predecessor. Angel is diminutive able-bodied accepted for a avant-garde articles as able-bodied as never fails that is because we accept placed iPad 3 in a Aberrant articles list.
Samsung Galaxy S3
Microsoft Windows 8
Quad Amount Processors
Sony PlayStation Adventures (Sony PSP Vita)
OLED Televisions
IEEE 802.11 Lad
Posted by Anonymous at 22:38 Labels: Techtalks 0 comments