Acer beTouch E210 Review
Acer has aloof appear the beTouch E210, which includes both a touch-screen and a QWERTY keyboard. Sure, you'll acquisition both on the BlackBerry Torch, but that is a far bigger phone, while the beTouch proves below pricey, below and smaller.
Plus, this is an Android handset - with all the allowances of admission to added than 300,000 apps -while the Blackberry buzz offers a abate best of mostly added big-ticket apps. Also, the buzz is active Android 2.2 (Froyo) - it's not the actual latest adaptation of the OS but should action best actualization that you'd want. While BlackBerry still holds the gold badge for email speed, aegis and reliability, there is a acceptable email advance app accessible for Android users.
Resistive displayWake up the phone, and you'll charge to bash beyond the affectation to alleviate it. Bear in apperception that this is a resistive, rather than the pricier affectionate of capacitive display. It agency it is burden acute and we begin it took a few goes to alleviate the affectation - it is abnormally adamantine if you're aggravating to do this one-handed. Brand new Allowance 451-10610 Battery for allowance laptop.
This is one of the arresting things about arresting displays - forth with the low resolution you usually acquaintance on these screens. However, the E210's awning accepted analytic responsive, abnormally already we'd got acclimated to application a little added burden than we would on an iPhone, for instance. Apperception you, it does beggarly you can use the affectation with a stylus or with your gloves on.
As has been apparent on antecedent Acer QWERTY handsets, the beTouch E210 has a acceptable keyboard. There are no spaces amid the keys, which can be a problem, but as anniversary one of them is domed, we begin it accessible to hit the appropriate one. It may not be absolutely up to the standards of the Blackberry keyboard, but is absolutely acutely usable. High affection COMPAQ Presario CQ20-225TU Battery for compaq laptop.

3.2-megapixel snapperThe argent keys and basal of the handset attending appealing cool, admitting you'll acquisition they assignment best in acceptable ablaze - aback they're backlit they are rather difficult to read. Turn over the handset and you'll see the aback awning is the aforementioned colour - although we begin it rather plasticky in appearance. The Snapper lens and loudspeaker barbecue are the best-looking genitalia of the phone's aback cover. It's aloof a abashment that the grille leaves no amplitude for a flash, which agency this 3.2megapixel snapper is acceptable for little added than actual basal snaps. Replacement TOSHIBA PA3399U-2BAS Battery for toshiba laptops.
The trackpad that sits below the affectation is actual accessible - it's far bigger than the trackball that featured on antecedent QWERTY phones from Acer. Around the trackpad sit four adamantine button for home, back, card and search, additional call, end and accelerate buttons. This is all actual well, but it agency there's not abundant allowance larboard for the display. It agency the 2.6in awning is somewhat awkward - conceivably Acer should accept called to put basic Android buttons on the awning instead.

Internet browsingIt agency that the awning is not big abundant for gaming, and if you're aggravating to cream the web aback you're acclimated to a bigger awning it bound becomes frustrating. It may not be a accomplish or breach issue, but you should be acquainted that it does absolute the handset's usability. However, one acceptable point is that the beTouch has 3G (which some of the below cher BlackBerry phones don't have), forth with the accepted smartphone additions such as compass, GPS and Wi-Fi. Apperception you, you won't be replacing your sat-nav, because of the baby display.
The accounting acquaintance is excellent, and you'll see chat anticipation suggestions bustling up forth the basal of the display. While this works well, aback you tap a word, the software does not add a space, which is rather frustrating. However, if you demand a appropriate priced another to a BlackBerry, the beTouch E210 is a acceptable choice.
The verdictIf you're afterwards a handset with the allowances of a BlackBerry, but at a lower amount with a best of added apps, there's affluence activity for the Acer beTouch E210. It's acceptable for messaging because of its advantageous keyboard, but the baby affectation holds it aback aback it comes to multimedia playback, gaming and internet browsing. Plus, the snapper is underwhelming. It additionally offers GPS, 3G and Wi-Fi, but ultimately the baby awning and dull processor acceleration will prove arrest you demand to do annihilation added than argument or email. In which case, the added big-ticket Blackberry is a bigger option.