Canon Legria HF S11 Next Generations HD Camcorder?
1Ox optical zoom lens fuIl HD 1920 xlO8O 64GB bifold beam anamnesis recording Dolby agenda 5.1 beleaguer complete 8-megapixel still Optical Angel Stabiliser DIGIC DV Ill Angel CPU
Canon Legria HF S11 is aloof one amidst the affection hd camcorders on the market

Canon is their flagship HD video camcorder, replacing the superb S10. Offering abounding 1O2Ox1080 HD, the HF S11 comes complete with a larger- than-average CMOS sensor with Canon's own DICIC DV Ill processing for bigger angel quality. The centralized beam anamnesis is a actual accessible 64GB, which can authority amid aloof beneath six hours' recording at abounding HD resolution, to over 24 hours' accumulator at a lower resolution. There is additionally a accouterment to shoot LP approach too.
The camcorder has a 10x optical zoom and a 15x optical zoom and has both both automated and chiral focus, acknowledgment and audio levels.
The camcorder additionally comes with an SDHC aperture advantageous if you demand to abundance stills alone ~ The Legria HF S11 can abduction 1,920x1080 resolution video at 24fps (frames per second) and can additionally booty 8Mp still photos}. And the branded Assize lens appearance 1Ox optical or 200x agenda zoom and optical angel stabilizations , the pro-spec appearance onboard the Assize HF 511 makes it a astringent adversary for semi-professional work, The card arrangement allows for abounding chiral ascendancy of aggregate pragmatic: focus, exposure, White Salience, gain, calm with abounding audio recording levels ascendancy too. Or, you could aloof set the HF 511 to Auto and let the agleam atramentous barbarian do its affair for you.
HFS11 has angel stabilisation capabilities which holds itself adjoin sony's angel stabilisation systems, affection of video captures by the HFS11 is superb, with DIGIC DV III processor supports x.v.Color giving you richer colours and hues during playback on accordant TVs. There is additionally a built-in flash, which houses a detached video ablaze too, pop up automatically back the ablaze levels are low. This can be angry off, though, if it becomes annoying.
Hardware Design News
When it comes to cutting still images whilst recording HD video , the HF S11 offers a bifold recording which does this seamlessly and silently alike so, you charge to set the angel affection first, as the camcorder tells you annihilation about the book admeasurement attempt until you get to your PC. You can shoot up to 8-megapixel stills on the HF S11, which attending superb too alike beeline from camcorder. Overall, this glassy Assize archetypal is a ‘proper' bifold camera/camcorder — but it comes at a abrupt price.
Handling & affluence of use
Packed with pro-spec features
The Legria HF Si 1 feels absolutely abundant back you aces it up. It's hardly beyond than the boilerplate camcorder, and still a little ‘plastic', but it oozes pro-spec quality. The glassy all-black anatomy of the HF S11 is abundant to authority and feels ‘right'. The flip-out awning assuming the capital controls is acceptable to cross around, with the buttons and joystick actuality of acceptable size, alike for the better of hands. The card system, though, is a little bizarre to cross about for beginners, but afresh again, the HF S11 is aimed at accomplished videographers attractive to advancement anyway. It's account acquainted that there is an alarming bang central the advanced of the lens as it is actuality powered up. This is the optical Angel Stabiliser assemblage and it is declared to accomplish that sound, so don't panic
More detail
Hands timberline operation & chiral focus caster control
It comes with a wireless alien control, which is abundant account for wildlife admirers out there who don't demand to afflict their subjects. It works to a ambit of 5m or so, so there affluence of amplitude to bidel. There is a baby bent caster beneath the lens for chiral focus control. As the arena is turned, the angel on-screen zooms in to aid accomplished focusing.
Performance capability
When you accept the HF 511 in your duke , you now your accepting article appropriate And it is. If anytime a camcorder promised to do absolutely what it said on the box, this is it. The pro-spec attributes of the new Assize is artlessly stunning. Angel affection is amidst the best we've anytime seen, with admirable ablaze and befuddled HO video — alike in low ablaze acknowledgment to the ample sensor and DIGIC DV LII processing combination, The Assize branded lens shows accomplished accurateness and adverse with the AD wnrking perfectly; alone on a brace of occasions in low ablaze did it dribble hardly and actual itself, but that's to be accepted of any camcorder in the circumstances, The accompanying optical Angel Stabilisation is activating and reacts altogether to adverse camcorder movement with aloof abundant ascribe to abide unnoticed.
The Bifold Attempt approach formed well, bearing authentic still images back required, plus) the standalone angel affection of S-megapixels was accomplished and commensurable with abounding agenda camera on the bazaar at that resolution, Where the camcorder absolutely array highly, admitting is in the chiral options menus, The camcorder can be operated absolutely manually on aggregate from for exposure, gain, acknowledgment compensation, through to White Balance and audio recording levels. With this amount of chiral control, the camcorder should absolutely be on the alarm for semi-professional videomakers. Add a appropriate video ablaze and tripod with a acceptable aqueous arch and you're all accessible to shoot profession video productions rarely does a camcorder attending as able-bodied as it performs. However, the HF 511 is as baby as it is sexy, and the after-effects are account the amount it's pricey, but affection consistently is.
Anatomy Actual affair about this camcorder from pro –spec appearance to the ample CMOS senor, say the HF 511 agency business It's not for the faint-hearted. .
A ample CMOS sensor with canons patented DIGIC DV Ill Angel Processor technology, for bigger quality.
It zooms with the lens and has a wind clarify to advice back outdoors.
1Ox optical zoom lens with 2OOx agenda zoom.
All of the capital alive functions can be begin about the bend of the screen.
controls chiral locus. for those occasions back you demand to be control.
Powered accent shoe for an alien microphone or video light.
Good Points
Image affection – stills and video. Pre –record function, chiral controls and endless more
Bad Points
Needs alien mic to abbreviate user and camera noises, feels ‘plastic' for the price, no headphones sockets.
Simply the consumer- akin camcorder to exhausted for angel quality, appearance and performance.
Canon HF S11 if not the best affordable hd camcorders in the HD camcorder maket , but what you pay is what you get , in the case of the Assize HF S11 you get a lot .
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